What Are The Benefits Of Berberine ?

3 min readFeb 17, 2021



What is berberine?

I may not be the only one who recently found out berberine being a thing in our world. But the more information I keep on finding about it, the more I like it. Berberine is an alkaloid extracted from various plants used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s primarily used to reduce insulin resistance and improve biomarkers of type II diabetes such as fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin.

What are the benefits of berberine ?

Human and animal research suggests that 1500mg of berberine, taken in three doses of 500mg each, is equally effective as taking 1500mg of metformin or 4mg glibenclamide, two pharmaceuticals for treating type II diabetes. Effectiveness was measured by how well the drugs reduced biomarkers of type II diabetes. It should be noted that although there’s a fair bit of research suggesting strong effects of berberine for reducing biomarkers of type II diabetes, it’s is still less supported by research than many pharmaceuticals and it’s unclear what its long-term effects on mortality and complications are. Some evidence suggests that it can reduce LDL- Cholesterol and triglycerides in type II diabetics, and possibly lead to a small increase in HDL-cholesterol.

5 Specific Ways Berberine Can Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

  1. Decrease insulin resistance, making the blood sugar lowering hormone ‘insulin’ more effective
  2. Decrease sugar production in the liver
  3. Slow the breakdown of carbohydrates
  4. Increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  5. Removes deep body fat that accumulates around the belly and organs

What are berberine’s side-effects and drawbacks?

Berberine has a high potential to interact with medications, and some interactions may be severe. It is generally safe in normal doses, but more long-term research on its safety is needed. Gastrointestinal upset can occur when high doses are used, and due to its ability to reduce blood sugar, it may increase the risk for hypoglycemia in high doses, though this isn’t a common occurrence.

Is berberine safe to take?

Tentatively, yes, but a doctor’s guidance is highly recommended. Berberine has been the subject of much research and seems to be potent like many pharmaceuticals, but unlike the most well-researched pharmaceuticals, its long-term safety and frequent adverse effects haven’t been sufficiently evaluated.

So I guess it’s safe to say that its still too early to determine if this natural “medicine” will be the next big medical attraction.

But all the information listed up above were from the eyes of doctors and pharmacies, I personally believe in peoples experiences with it before anything else.

In Asian countries they are fearless to try everything and have drastically helped the medical industry be what it is today. Be brave and try new things.

It’s a product that can be picked at your backyard, so it is indeed as natural as natural can be !

If you’re interested in knowing more about berberine: Click here

Or if you’d like to see what kind of products are being produced from berberine: Click here

Here are some reviews from people:

“I have been taking Berberine to help lower my A1-C. I’m not that high, 5.6 but since Type II runs in my family I want to keep it as low as I can. Since taking the Berberine, my A1-C has gone down to 5.5. I have ordered some for my mother that has a 8.4 A1-C and she has noticed her daily sugar is lower than it has ever been. I am anxious to see what her results will be when she goes back for blood work.” — Cheryl L Young

“I suffer from PCOS and Metformin made me ill. Berberine has lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects.” — Elizabeth Mitchell

“I got it for my uncle, his sugar dropped from between 200 to 400 to 80 just the next morning and it has been running between 70 and 100 for about two months. His blood Pressure is better and his energy level went up. He is back to caring for himself daily and walking without support.” — Strong

